I just realized that Picasa 3 supports Pentax raw (.PEF) files. Earlier versions of Picasa were able to display the PEF files generated by my Pentax K10D and K20D, but Picasa could not read the EXIF info. Now it can. This is good news. All important photos go through Adobe Lightroom, but this requires some effort, because I have to attach the big hard drive to my laptop. But I take a lot of unimportant photos - lots of test shots, for example, but sometimes just quick shots while I'm working or driving around - and I'd like to look at 'em without having to mount the big drive and launch Lightroom. Now I can just copy those quick shots on to my laptop's internal drive and look at them in Picasa 3, then decide whether to keep 'em or not. Hooray!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
About Me
- William Porter
- I am an event photographer living in Dallas, Texas.